2021 was a difficult year for all of us both on a personal level and, for those of us with our own business, financially. On the one hand I found I was enjoying the quiet life, being unable to go anywhere other than for exercise which is what I concentrated my time on. But I also began to feel frustration too, because all of the hard work over the years was slowly unravelling. I began to worry that I would have to build the business up all over again, and I had found that quite difficult in the past. I tried the electronic way but my heart wasn't in it and I had little response anyway. And so I waited.
After the second lock down in May 2021 I opened my business again, teaching face-to-face classes. I wasn't expecting too much because things were still very uncertain at that time, but I thought that I would take the opportunity, and low and behold students came.
I was very lucky because, in the most part, those students have remained. And whilst I haven't really been doing a lot of dance other than teaching each week, I feel blessed and relieved that, despite having to rebuild the business for the umpteenth time, it wasn't as difficult as I had found it to be in the past.

Towards the end of the year (August and September), I was invited to a couple of Women's Institute meetings which was lovely. I always enjoy these events because you meet interesting people who you perhaps wouldn't normally do otherwise, and they are always so welcoming.
I love sharing my joy of this dance, and the talk that I present to W.I's, and indeed other groups (Trefoil Guilds etc), allows me to show off some of my costumes too, to a very eager audience it has to be said!
I met a lovely woman at one of these meetings who I conversed with. She loved my purple hair and I found myself discussing my hair dye, hahaha!
Towards the end of the year (August and September), I was invited to a couple of Women's Institute meetings which was lovely. I always enjoy these events because you meet interesting people who you perhaps wouldn't normally do otherwise, and they are always so welcoming.
I love sharing my joy of this dance, and the talk that I present to W.I's, and indeed other groups (Trefoil Guilds etc), allows me to show off some of my costumes too, to a very eager audience it has to be said!
I met a lovely woman at one of these meetings who I conversed with. She loved my purple hair and I found myself discussing my hair dye, hahaha!

Also in August, I was invited to perform for an engagement party at a home in Preston. Always a scary prospect for me this was particularly so as I hadn't done much dancing in the year prior due to lock-downs. But the host was very welcoming and supportive, and it turned out to be a wonderful experience. And I had a gorgeous little dancer following me around stealing the show which was both delightful and cute! I don't think she stopped dancing all the time I was there!
Also in August, I was invited to perform for an engagement party at a home in Preston. Always a scary prospect for me this was particularly so as I hadn't done much dancing in the year prior due to lock-downs. But the host was very welcoming and supportive, and it turned out to be a wonderful experience. And I had a gorgeous little dancer following me around stealing the show which was both delightful and cute! I don't think she stopped dancing all the time I was there!

In October I decided that I would attempt to host my Spooky Halloween Celebration but made a few concessions of my own to allow guests to feel easier, such as limiting ticket sales, having pre-paid tickets only and social distancing within the venue. This was when the government had stated that no such measures were needed! But I wasn't ready to go back to normal, and I think it paid off.
The event went very well and I think it's what a lot of people needed. It was lovely to meet up with friends again.
I dressed up as Morticia Adams to host (love the costume - the wig drives me mad hence not wearing it!), and we had a great time watching performances and finally having a general get-up-and-dance thing.
So, actually, 2021 wasn't as quiet as I thought it was.
In October I decided that I would attempt to host my Spooky Halloween Celebration but made a few concessions of my own to allow guests to feel easier, such as limiting ticket sales, having pre-paid tickets only and social distancing within the venue. This was when the government had stated that no such measures were needed! But I wasn't ready to go back to normal, and I think it paid off.
The event went very well and I think it's what a lot of people needed. It was lovely to meet up with friends again.
I dressed up as Morticia Adams to host (love the costume - the wig drives me mad hence not wearing it!), and we had a great time watching performances and finally having a general get-up-and-dance thing.
So, actually, 2021 wasn't as quiet as I thought it was.