We are approaching May and I have only just realised that once again I have failed to update my shinnanigans so far!
So, just what HAVE I been up to?
In February I was approached to teach some residents at Galloways in Preston, which was interesting. I began by giving a demonstration before teaching them a few moves. They all seemed to enjoy themselves, especially when I brought out the jingly belts :-)
In March I ran my first hafla of the year. I like to keep this one more traditional, asking performers to use Middle Eastern music only. I do this to encourage people to dance to traditional belly dance music which IS more demanding, but I feel more beneficial.
In April, I had the first of my Women's Institute talks. They were celebrating their 50th anniversary, so this was a special occasion, and how lovely that they presented me with my own set of crockery so I could join them for the celebration supper afterwards!
Incidentally, this talk is suitable for any group who would like some entertainment and an informative talk to boost. I have presented this to several Trefoil Guilds and also to walking groups too. It doesn't just have to be for the ladies.

On Saturday 27th April, I performed in a lovely little cinema in Southport to help raise funds for charity.
I was approached by one of my students who new the family organising this event in memory of the dad who had sadly passed away after suffering with a brain tumour. I was going to be one of several performers during the evening, which promised to be very good.
Sadly, I was unable to stay the duration due to having another engagement that night, but they did an amazing job. They have managed to smash the original target and to date have raised around £3500 for the two charities. Just amazing!

June - I have literally just signed up to try some networking in August with the Pinklink Ladies network. Admittedly, my brain kept me awake last night ticking over with ideas of things to do for it which is less than ideal, but still. It is an exciting prospect.
Well, that's me up-to date for now. I have other events and plans in the pipeline but for now I shall love you and leave you.
Watch this space!