2022 is beginning to look promising again with several bookings throughout the year to keep me busy.
I am still running my weekly classes with many students staying with me from when I opened last year which is wonderful. I love watching people develop in this dance. It's why I teach!
W.I.'s & Trefoil Guild
In February I had my first W.I talk which was great fun. I have a couple of Trefoil Guild meetings in March too. I have mentioned before how I love doing these talks because I get to share my love of this dance (and show off blingy costumes too), but I find the group members so accommodating too. One meeting in March was particularly so after my husband had booked tickets for us to see a pianist hero of mine, Ludovico Einaudi, AFTER I had accepted my dance booking. They were very kind and rearranged their meeting around us so we could leave early to get there in plenty of time. A wonderful bunch of ladies. They even fed and watered us :-)
At the end of March I had a Trefoil Guild in Atherton, where they had a meet up of three different groups so it was very busy! Again a lovely room with a delightful floor for bare feet which is always good for me. Imagine my surprise when being shown some of the photos that had been taken - my costumes were being modelled! Cheeky monkeys :-)

At the beginning of April I was invited to a local branch of the W.I., in Rufford, literally 15 minutes down the road from me. It's nice to finally have one closer to home! This was a fun night too, despite me being full of a cold and sounding like I'd smoked 50 a day for ten years! (I haven't, incidentally. Just sounded like it ).
It was after this event that I realised my cold was not a cold, but actually Covid when I noticed I couldn't taste my morning coffee. And so I had to cancel my classes for two weeks while I waited on getting better and testing negative again.
The beginning of May was very busy with three W.I meetings on consecutive days (Monday and Tuesday evenings, plus Wednesday afternoon) AND teaching Wednesday evening! I was a bit concerned about doing so many in one week but they all went surprisingly well, even more so after I suffered a migraine, the first one in years I have to add, on the Tuesday afternoon. All three were very enjoyable.
It was after this event that I realised my cold was not a cold, but actually Covid when I noticed I couldn't taste my morning coffee. And so I had to cancel my classes for two weeks while I waited on getting better and testing negative again.
The beginning of May was very busy with three W.I meetings on consecutive days (Monday and Tuesday evenings, plus Wednesday afternoon) AND teaching Wednesday evening! I was a bit concerned about doing so many in one week but they all went surprisingly well, even more so after I suffered a migraine, the first one in years I have to add, on the Tuesday afternoon. All three were very enjoyable.

In March I held my Spring Hafla as per usual. Despite the numbers being slightly lower than I would normally get due to illness it was still a very enjoyable night. Admittedly, I wasn't feeling too glamorous myself as I had been unwell all that day, but the show must go on as they say.
We had an interesting batch of performers and it was lovely to see old friends and new again.

In October I held my annual Spookilicious event which went down well, as always. My class and I performed our own creation from The Adams Family Monster Mash which I think went down well. Alongside Morticia and Gomez, we had Lurch, Wednesday and Cousin It!
I still like to contribute to charitable causes when I can, and this year is no exception. I hold a raffle at every hafla to raise funds for Just Because, a belly dance related charity which is important to me. We managed to raise £73 at my March hafla.
Even more impressive is the £125 we raised at Spookilicious, so I am very pleased with that.

Penwortham Gala
Penwortham Gala took place this year for the first time since COVID. It was nice to be back, although sadly the procession didn't take place on the Saturday because too many groups that usually took part had folded. It was a shame because, although hard work, I always enjoyed taking part. Instead, we took a space on the stage in the afternoon. The crowds were thick! A few of my "new" students (i.e. began post-COVID) plus old students (meaning pre-COVID) joined me and experienced performing to the general public for the first time. It was nice to finally get out, doing what we love and entertaining the crowds. We even got some up to join us at the end!

In September I received a booking with Lancaster Rotary who were organising a charity event, raising funds for local Romanian people. As it happens the original venue had to cancel at the last minute due to a burst water main making it impossible to function, but as luck would have it, the caterers had a venue they were willing to use.
It seemed to go down very well. I think the last minute "rallying around" to get the event to actually take place lifted everyone's moods even more.
It seemed to go down very well. I think the last minute "rallying around" to get the event to actually take place lifted everyone's moods even more.
New Ventures
Also in June, I was contacted by a lady wanting dance classes up in Cumbria where she lived. Sadly, there are no teachers in that area any more, and after some time of talking, discussions and organising we finally managed to set one up (see link). It proved to be very popular, booking up within weeks of being advertised, and we are in the process of organising the second one! You will be able to find out more here once we're all set.
Also in June, I was contacted by a lady wanting dance classes up in Cumbria where she lived. Sadly, there are no teachers in that area any more, and after some time of talking, discussions and organising we finally managed to set one up (see link). It proved to be very popular, booking up within weeks of being advertised, and we are in the process of organising the second one! You will be able to find out more here once we're all set.